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Prophets and Prophecies

The Demise of Civilisation


Robert D. Morritt




          Many scientists and theorists have posed the question, are we at the precipice? Are we now in the final days of human existence on planet Earth? We have all noticed sudden changes in our weather Tsunami's, earthquakes (with the major San Andreas fault earthquake long overdue.) Ancient calendars agree that our last day on Earth will occur on December 12.2012 Upon that day, it will not matter to us whether or not that more snow is occurring in Britain, or meltdowns of major nuclear reactors are more prevalent, or the risk of damaging Hurricanes along the Atlantic coastline or in the Gulf of Mexico. Microbiological diseases will not be a concern nor the possibility of particle accelerator s theorized ready to disintegrate the Earth's core. What will concern us is that both the Mayan and Sumerian calendars end on the same day, December 12, 2012. That will be our main concern as we head towards the last five minutes on the proverbial Doomsday clock that heralds the demise of our civilization. Within this book (while we still have a little time left) to review biblical prophecies and consider the question, where shall we be in Eternity?